
Chris Brown Mad....

What you mad for BREEZY!?

We'll apparently Chris. B is upset that stores are purposely doing things to stop the success of his album.

I was on twitter last night and everyone was writing to him, telling him their personal incidences of where the store had put them way in the back, or the store stated that they were sold out and they really weren't.

Chris B. Highly upset.

Now see I dont know what the problem is.. His record sales are doing just fine... and they are EXTREMELY BETTER THAN RIHANNA'S FLOP!

Breezy stated on Twitter that he is tired of this shit and that they can kiss his ass.. and also that he is not going to take back anything that he said. Oh yea, he also states what do i gotta do? <--- I guess that has something to do with the whole Rihanna/Chris brown-I-know-i-beat-her-ass-but-i'm-sorry situation..

How Do I Feel?

I can understand where he is coming from.

Now dont get me wrong -- I think that what he did to Rihanna is BEYOND horrible. I feel that nomatter what a man shouldnt lay his hands on a women.. Go cheat or something... call her fat. Say that her breath stinks.. been stinking like she chows 24-7 on Diarrhea! Something like that just dont hit/beat the girl!!

It has affected the way that I see him, but so what! I dont know the brotha personally so I could care less. He says that he is going to pray about it. Then thats what he should be doing. But i still think that he is phenomenal when it comes to the music. I feel like there are so many fans who love him and hate rihanna, he shouldnt have any problems selling a record.

And with all these "publicity stunts", their not going to nothing but make his albums sells go higher..

At the end of the day CHRIS "BREEZY" BROWN yo shit is going to sell regarldess 'member that!

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