
Finally Dating?

So... After being treated in a horrible way. You realize what it takes to make you happy. You begin to understand what it takes to make you happy. I learned that I will never take disrespect from the man that I am with. I deserve to be happy. To receive all that I put into the relationship and more. I will be treated like a women. complimented. Loved. I learned that LOVE DOESN'T WANT LOVE HURT.--- which is so real. The man that you are with should not deliberately hurt you. For if he loved you, the thought of him hurting you, would hurt him...

so with that being said..

I finally went on my first date! I had a nice time.
I was nervous on whether it was too soon to be dating. I mean. My son will be three months in less than two weeks. Even though I havent been with the father of my child for about a year. I was still nervous on if im moving too fast.

I definitely dont want to introduce my son to men this early. So Im not doing the MEET-MY-SON part, yet. At the same time, because I never thought that I would become a mom i find it weird when I tell people, "Yes, I have a son.." Or.. "Yes I'm a mother."

But I went on my first date last night, and it ROCKED.

I was soooo happy. I was comfortable in my own skin. I have to thank my aweful relationship for that. I think because I went through soo much of negativity, disrespect, neglect, dishonesty and etc, I now know what I want. As well as I now know who I am which makes me so much more confident in myself.... WOW

So with that being said... It takes a bad relationship to know a good one! Know, respect and love yourself, and then everything else will fall into place!



long Time... No See

So I definitely have to apologize for not doing this BLOGGING thing to the fullest. I never knew that being a single mother would be this difficult. However, I do have help from my grandmother whom watches my son while im at school. So I guess I mustn’t say that I am completely alone.. But it is still hard!
How was everyones’ TURKEY DAY! Mine was awesome! The whole family gathered at my grandmas crib! I slaved in the kitchen for ever! Yes, this was my first THANKSGIVING in which I did the MAJORITY of the cooking, and let me tell ya…. NEVER AGAIN! HELL-2-THE-NAW! Haha. It was horrible I was hot, none the less sweating, and my back and feet hurt. But I must say that the food was tasty! Ill just put it like this, there wasn’t hardly any left overs.
All the family members stopped by with the BAY-BAY kids, we laughed and ate of course. We took shots of Goose! Watched football. Took Naps. Basically chilled, it was a cool day. Boy, if everyday was TURKEY DAY that would be the best.